Dear kind blog viewers and supporters,
I am pleased to inform you that, thanks to hospital care and bedrest as well as several surgeries and antibiotics, Laxmi's burnt hand is looking better. Despite initial fears, her arm will not need to be removed and, in around 1-2 months she will be ready to leave hospital and start her new life at the Sandipani Muni Children's home.
Laxmi will need a lot of TLC when she joins the Food for Life Vrindavan family. She was out on the streets for over a year and has been betrayed by many people who promised to help. Laxmi told Food for Life staff members that a man promised to get treatment for her but instead he made her beg on the streets and would take the money from her every evening.
We are still needing to raise funds for Laxmi's medical treatment. Please email Rupa@fflvrindavan.org for more information on how you can help.
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