FFLV New Year Gift Festival its here again!

Thousands of very poor children receive a gift pack from us every year on January 1st. Last year, we supplied 5,000 gift packs to local children. This year we hope we can do the same!

It costs only $5 US for a gift pack, which includes a school bag, pencil, sharpener, toothbrush and toothpaste, a ball, chocolate, toffees and biscuit, a woolly hat for the coming winter and some hope.

It is this time of the year again when we call upon you to help us gift smiles to Vrindavan's poorest children. You know very well, we are their only hope!

During this festive period, giving is on everyone's mind, making someone happy is a treasure to share. We are not asking for the moon, just your pocket change to make a poor child happy, like he has never been before.

Send in your contribution today and please help us spread the word. We are confident that with your help we can do it again this year.

You can donate online or email us here. Thank you!

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