Urgent Case of Suman


Dear Friends,

One of our brightest students, Suman, met with an accident on Saturday evening. She and her brother were returning from a friends' place when a dog came infront of their scooter and they lost the balance. Suman fell off the scooter and her head got severely injured. She was rushed to the hospital in Mathura where she was admitted and recovered a bit, however, yesterday, the doctors identified a brain injury and she was rushed this morning to a neurologist in a hospital in Jaipur. 

Suman is a student of 9th Grade, in her family, they are 7 sisters and 2 brothers. 1brother, and 1 sister are the only earning members of the family to keep up with the expenses. Currently we need Rs 50,000 to be able to help Suman. Any help from anyone will be much appreciated. 
Rashmi, Suman's elder sister, once shared with me, that their father has always treated all the sisters with a lot of love and affection. He believes that all his daughters will become very successful one day. Unlike many around him, He never saw his daughters as a burden, but instead believed in their dreams and FFLV gave his hopes a direction to actually fulfill those dreams, despite their financial situation.

Today the whole family stands together, along with them stands everyone at FFLV. We are praying constantly so that Suman recovers soon. Please pray for Suman. Please email me at srd@fflvrindavan.org if you want to help. 

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