Urgent Operation Needed for Poonam

Dear friends,

FFLV's Dr Sanjay Pisharodi (Shyama Vallabha Das) has examined Poonam and says:

Her neurological condition will take a few months to resolve. Meanwhile if something is not done to fix the fracture of her thigh, she will be maimed for life. I spoke to my friend who is an orthopedic surgeon qualified from the USA... [who] said that he will be able to do it. He will waive his operating charges and also arrange for a cheaper room. Still the expense will come to Rs.35,000. Add to that the follow ups and medicines, it will be approx Rs.50,000.
Her father, a bus driver, simply does not have the money to pay the Rs.30,000 from the previous surgery plus 50,000 for the upcoming orthopedic surgery: a total of Rs.80,000 or $1,750 USD.

Our beloved friends Mary Sydlewski, Michael McMillan, and "Anonymous," have already contributed $350, bringing the total needed to $1,400.

This little girl, whom we first thought might not pull through, is fighting with everything she has to hang on to life. But she needs your help.

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