The latest news on Poonam, who fell from the roof last month, is severe yet promising. At the moment Poonam is sleepy, but wakes up periodically, looks around and cries - which means she has some awareness of her surroundings, though she is not speaking yet.
Poonam's left femur is fractured, and will require surgery, which should occur after ten days. Unfortunately her head is injured and swollen. Some blood is present in the parieto/temporal lobe of the left cerebral hemisphere. The blood should become liquid and be absorbed by the body, but it will leave a scar on the gray matter, an epileptic focus.
She is no longer on a drip, and she is taking anti-epileptic drugs and antibiotics. She is being fed through a nasogasatic drain. She also has hemiparesia of the right sign, meaning her right side is paralysed, her arm being more affected than her leg.
Expenses are estimated at 20,000 rupees or $430 USD.
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